Sunday, September 30, 2012

Plant Life Around Campus

Tree Types
Bradford Pear Tree

     The Bradfor Pear Tree, or scientifically known as Pyrus callerana, is native to China and Vietnam. It blooms unpleasant smelling flowers in the spring time, much like the smell of fish. They also produce a fruit that is hard but softened by winter and then eaten by birds. These trees are tough survivers and usually die due to harsh weather conditions.

Willow Oak Trees
     The Willow Oak Tree, scientifically known as Quercus phellos, is native to North Amercia. It is a red oak that has leaves shaped like willow leaves, and produces acorns. These trees are manily found in low floodplains.
Yoshino Cherry Trees
     Yoshino Cherry Trees, scientifically known as Prunus yedoensis, is a natural hybrid found world wide. The flowers that bloom are fragrant and usually grow in clumps of five or six. It produces small cherries that are an important food sourse to small birds and taste only mildly sweet to humans.
Shrub Types
Virginia Sweetspire
     Virginia Sweetspire, or Itea virginica, is found mainly in the southern United States. It is a colonizing plant that has many stems that branch frequently. Small white flowers bloom in June that are showy. It produces small capsules.
Elephant Ears
     Elephant Ear plants, also known as Colocasia, is named so because the leaves are shaped like real elephant ears. They are native to southeatern Asia. This plant causes discomfort in the lips, mouth and throat caused by needlelike things that contain some kind of chemical property.
Holly Bush
     Holly Bushes, scientifically known as Ilex, has at least 400 different species types that are widespread throughout temperate and subtropical ecosystems. They are slow-growing and many are evergreen trees. The leaves are glossy and are spiny or serrated around the edges. They produces drupes that range in color.
Flower Types
Angel Trumpet Flowers

     Angel Trumpet Flowers, Brugmansia, have a strong pleasing fragrance in the evenings that attract pollunating moths and come in shades of white, pink, yellow, and green. They are native to South American tropics.
Lantana Flowers
     Lantana flowers, apart of the verbena family, are native to the tropic regions of the Americas and Africa. The clusters of flowers change colors as they mature and are poisonous to most animals, even though their fruit is eaten by birds.
Marigold Flowers
     Marigolds, or Tagetes, is native to North and South America. They grow well in most types of soil and are usually gold, yellow, or orange in color.They are usually musky but have been bred to have no odor. They deter some insect pests so are used widely in gardens.

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